Assuage Technology Group

White Claw Saves Drinkers’ Nails From Chipping With Ultra-Protective Manicures

by rrollins, September 29, 2023

Image via Nails.INC


Seltzer brand White Claw is dipping its proverbial toe into the beauty industry with the launch of a nail polish set inspired by its iconic flavors.


In collaboration with Nails.INC, this unique nail polish collection that combines fashion with function—promising to protect customers’ manicures from cracking when opening a can.







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The nail polish set includes several features that set it apart from your average lacquer. Firstly, it boasts an ultra-protective polish formula designed to keep nails looking fresh and vibrant.


Additionally, to help maintain a perfect manicure while trying to enjoy a beverage, there’s an exclusive CLAW Saver tool in the set, which helps one open drink cans without the fear of ruining nails.







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Each polish in the collection is infused with protective ingredients like biotin and retinol to promote nail health and strength so customers’ claws stay harder and more resilient.


While White Claw may be one of the first alcohol brands to venture into the world of nail polishes, it’s not alone.


In late 2022, Coors introduced the Chill Polish, a color-changing nail polish that indicates when its beers are perfectly chilled in order to alert wearers when to take the first sip.







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[via LBB Online and Mashed, cover image via Nails.INC]

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